Lana Brown
Regenerative Design
“dwelling well in our new normal…”
Home has become workplace. Home has become health sanctuary. Home has become an investment to share.
As an embodiment of holistically healthy housing, low debt living and clean construction, Låna links science, technology and nature to the art of Serious Nesting.
“every structure and system starts with Nature…”
Låna Brown is a Regenerative Leader and co-maker of holistic dwellings: buildings that are good for people and good for the planet from very first inception, right through construction and beyond eventual decay.
She’s pretty passionate about the “optimally engineered bones and connective tissue” of beautiful structures. Her background in health science and structural wellness has lead her to healthy Biological Building.
She supports design professionals and builders with constructible drawings. She crafts 3D virtual buildings and systems, aiming for near-zero waste. Her holistic fingerprints are all over some sustainable buildings for a global megabrand. Låna and her team have created gorgeous Timber Frame dwellings for clients in Hawai’i and across North America.
She now designs Rainwater Harvest and Wastewater Systems for holistic resiliency. #HealEstate